iRiver T10 512 MB MP3 Player with FM Tuner On Sale Now
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

iRiver T10 512 MB MP3 Player with FM Tuner On Sale Now. The Ultra-portable iRiver T10 MP3 player delivers exceptional sound quality in a unique, sport-ready design, making it a great fit for jogging, cycling, and a ton of other active uses. The compact body measures a mere 3.4 by 1.6 by 1.2 inches (W x H x D) and fits easily in the palm of your hand or a shirt pocket. Yet the T10 doesn't skimp on storage capacity, with 512 MB of built-in memory that holds up to 17 hours of music--enough for all but the most dedicated workout fiend. And downloading music is easy thanks to the PlaysForSure compatibility, which lets you access millions of songs from almost any subscription-based download service. Just plug the USB 2.0-compliant device into a PC and go crazy.
Once the player is loaded with music (it supports MP3, WMA, and OGG music files), you can navigate through your favorite selections via the vivid color display, which lists the track name, artist info, and time remaining. Also along for the ride is an integrated FM tuner that not only plays NPR, music stations, and other programming, but also offers a recording option should you want to catch "Car Talk" at a later time. Best of all, the T10 is completely skip-free, so you won't suffer any interruptions during a tough jog or weightlifting session.
Additional features include a voice recorder, an enhanced SRS WOW audio function that simulates 3-D sound, and a sport clip that attaches to your belt or backpack. The T10, which runs for up to 45 hours on a single AA battery (included), weighs only 1.7 ounces and is backed by a one-year warranty.
Product Details, iRiver T10 MP3 Player
- Ultra-portable MP3 player with 512 MB internal memory and integrated FM tuner
- Stores up to 17 hours of music; supports MP3, WMA, and OGG music files
- PlaysForSure compatibility lets you access songs from most download services
- Enhanced SRS WOW 3-D audio function; records FM radio on hard drive
- Runs for 45 hours on AA battery; measures 3.4 x 1.6 x 1.2 inches (W x H x D); 1-year warranty
This Product iRiver T10 512 MB MP3 Player with FM Tuner tend to SELL OUT VERY FAST, if this is a MUST HAVE product, be sure to ORDER NOW to avoid disappointment
We’ve found pros and cons of the product. But overall, It’s a supreme product and we are well recommend it! When you however want to know more details on this product, so read the reports
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Title: iRiver T10 512 MB MP3 Player with FM Tuner On Sale Now
Written by Unknown
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